Why this Chinese holistic healer changed the way he treats his clients

image 2025-02-12

My name is healer Chang. I first started practicing holistic healing about ten years ago. I have always been interested in how the body works and finding natural solutions to improve people’s health and wellbeing. I have now created a thriving method that continues to improve every day. My main focus is on using the things that Mother Nature has given us to help people. I combine herbal therapies with acupuncture and other holistic techniques to achieve maximum wellness. Over the years, one of the most common issues I have seen in my clients is ear cleaning issues and hearing problems. These problems are widespread in families.

Far too often, people come into my salon with ear problems. These conditions are excruciating, leaving people uncomfortable, feeling heaviness in the ears. In many of these cases, the culprit for these issues is a build-up of cerumen in the ears.


Cerumen is another term for ear wax. When this waxy, yellow substance accumulates in the ear canals, it can lead to irritation. It can attract bacteria and block the eardrum, causing a temporary reduction in hearing. It is also a sign of poor hygiene and creates a breeding ground for germs.

Why do so many people suffer?

Unfortunately, people everywhere continue to suffer the consequences of ear wax build-up. Over time, your body continues to produce ear wax, and without proper removal and good hygiene techniques, it becomes compacted in the inner ear and the ear canal.


For many years, the only solution to this problem was regular visits to the doctor's office or traditional cotton swabs. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always solve their issues due to time constraints, difficulty of getting appointments, price, and when it comes to cotton swabs - inability to use them correctly. That's why so many people come to see me as a last resort to fix their problem.

Many people visit their family doctor every few weeks and have them remove their ear wax. There are many ways this can be done. Some doctors use a small device called a curette. This small plastic spoon scoops out ear wax, but it can be challenging to clean the ear canal with this method thoroughly. Doctors may also choose to irrigate the ear with a water solution. This softens the wax and flushes it out. While both of these methods can help with cerumen accumulation, they also have downfalls, because repeat visits are necessary and can be time consuming.


First off, it can be both expensive and inconvenient for patients to make regular visits to a doctor’s clinic. Secondly, they don't provide a daily solution to good ear hygiene practices. That's where the cotton swab comes in.

Why are cotton swabs unsafe?

For many years people have turned to cotton swabs to clean their ears. Unfortunately, these tiny devices are highly unsafe. Instead of removing ear wax, cotton swabs essentially push cerumen further into the ear canal and may cause it to become impacted. This in some cases may lead to hearing loss and more frequent ear infections.


What can you do about ear wax build-up?

Visiting your doctor for regular treatments might be time-consuming, inconvenient, and costly. Using cotton swabs isn’t effective and might be dangerous if used incorrectly.

Fortunately, I found a better solution.

After becoming a holistic healer, I quickly realized that there weren't many viable ear cleaning options available on the market. I wanted to find something that I could recommend to my clients that would be natural, safe, economical, and efficient at removing their ear wax. I spent hours scouring the internet, looking for something that would help - and one late night, I finally found it!


Tvidler is the perfect ear cleaning tool. It effectively and safely removes wax build-up and may prevent ear infections. Plus, Tvidler is reusable, meaning it is both affordable and better for the environment. It is now the only tool I recommend to my clients, and everyone who has tried it loves it!

How does the Tvidler work?

Tvidler is a revolutionary tool that gently and effectively removes ear wax from the ear canal. It comes with two unique, reusable tips. Each is made with medical-grade silicone, making them easy to rinse clean and soft enough to be safe for the delicate ear area.


One of the tips is shaped like a spiral corkscrew, which is excellent for effectively removing wax. The second tip is shaped like a brush for a thorough clean of the ear canal. These tips attach to a plastic handle that is ergonomically designed for the ultimate comfort.

Tvidler is great for everyone in the family, and the reusable tips make it easy for everyone to have their own device. Whether you suffer from ear wax build-up issues or you are looking for a way to improve your daily hygiene, Tvidler is the perfect addition to every household.

How can I order my own Tvidler?

I highly recommend the Tvidler for everyone. It is natural, safe and easy to use and will keep your ears clear of wax build-up. If you are ready to try your own Tvidler, the time to do so is now!


Each Tvidler comes with a sturdy and ergonomic plastic handle. It also comes with two medical-grade silicone cleaning tips - one for ear wax cleaning and another for daily hygiene.

After placing your order, your Tvidler will be shipped out immediately and delivered right to your door. Don’t forget to order one for every family member!

I believe that this product will help improve your hygiene and keep your ears clean and wax-free for years to come. So what are you waiting for?

Order the Tvidler today!

Where Can I Get The Tvidler Ear Cleaner?

Tvidler Ear Wax Cleaners aren’t sold in stores. They’re exclusive to Tvidler’s website. So you’ll have to visit them on the web.

Fortunately, that means you can get a Tvidler Ear Wax Cleaner delivered right to you — you don’t have to go to the store.

And as a special bonus, Tvidler is offering 70% off their Ear Wax Cleaner right now for this article readers. So you can get a great product at an even better price.

Hurry, though: these are flying off the shelves.

So say goodbye to dirty ears, wax buildup, and risky cotton swabs, and get your Tvidler Ear Wax Cleaner today!

To Claim Your 70% Discount And Get The Tvidler Ear Cleaner For Just 70%, Click Here! »

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